Rosbaud: Petrouchka/Haitink: Firebird - Spanish Philips 835 144 LY, lovely copy
$15.00 USD
Jacket EX / LP NM
This beautiful LP – note the striking cover art – from Spanish Philips (835 144 LY, Spanish pressing, plum/silver label – ED1, stereo) features two great Stravinsky performances from the Philips catalog.
The exact discographic details are as follows:
Stravinsky: Petrouchka (vers. 1947)
> with conductor Hans Rosbaud conducting the Concertgebouw Orchestra
(rec. in the Grote Zaal of the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, on 7 July 1962)
Stravinsky: Firebird (Suite 1919)
> with conductor Bernard Haitink conducting the Concertgebouw Orchestra
(rec. in the Grote Zaal of the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, on 19 September 1961)
Both recordings can withstand the most exalted comparisons, yielding nothing to either their predecesors or successors in the catalog – both are richly detailed, sumptuously symphonic readings in scope with demonstration quality sonics to match – magnificent.
There are superlative liner notes on the reverse side of the jacket by Friedrich Herzfeld, printed in Spanish only. The extraordinary cover art is uncredited, alas.